Consulting and business process outsourcing on occupational health

Occupational health has been the subject of much discussion over recent years following the creation of the Technical Epidemiological Nexus (NTEP) by Brazil’s Social Security in 2010. This methodology supports the characterization of accidents or occupational diseases from statistical and epidemiological studies.

The Accident Insurance Factor (FAP) is an public policy instrument relating to health and safety, which allows the flexibility of the Labour Enviromental Risks tax (RAT). This tax rate can be reduced or increased (1, 2, or 3% of payroll) according to the performance of each company within its own subclass segment.

Most companies currently manage occupational health as a legal requirement, without necessarily considering reduction of the Accident Insurance Factor (FAP) and the Technical Epidemiological Nexus (NTEP) as efficiency factors. We recognize that this model requires revision and we advise the adoption of practices for prevention and management with a focus on results.

We consider absenteeism, accidents, and the volume of sickness leaves to be strategic indicators for companies as they hinder operational efficiency, and represent actual costs within the organization. We believe that these common problems require the implementation of a regressive and preventive program to improve corporate health.

With experience and representation in this segment, we work with our clients toward optimizing the occupational health management and implementation for each company. Furthermore, we fully assume the conduct of ocupational health areas through business process outsourcing (BPO).
